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How to establish an intimate life after childbirth

As young mothers like to joke, in the first year of parenthood, the best sex is sleep. But what if the joke becomes a reality and the matrimonial bedroom really turns into a place to sleep?

What changes in the intimate life of a woman after the birth of a child

After the appearance of a baby in the family, the life of the family changes completely, and the intimate sphere is no exception.

The body and psyche of a woman are undergoing changes that are important to consider. First of all, doctors recommend sexual rest after childbirth for at least 4-6 weeks – during this period, most women recover and heal the uterus, and discharge from the genital tract stops.

At the end of the postpartum period, a woman is advised to visit a gynecologist and, if no abnormalities are found during the examination, then 1–2 months after childbirth, sexual activity can be resumed.

How to deal with discomfort

The primary cause of discomfort during sex in all young mothers is the lack of natural lubrication. Due to a sharp decrease in female hormones (estrogens), the production of mucus in the vagina is reduced, and the problem may remain relevant throughout the entire period of breastfeeding.

To solve this problem, you can use artificial lubricants – lubricants that are sold in pharmacies.

When choosing, you should pay attention to several nuances:

the lubricant should be water-based so as not to cause irritation and not have a negative effect on barrier contraceptives;
it is better to give preference to the simplest options, without additional additives and flavors.

If there were tears during labor or an episiotomy was used

The presence of sutures after ruptures and episiotomy (surgical dissection of the perineum and posterior wall of the vagina during childbirth) can significantly complicate the return to sexual life, since the elasticity of the tissue is disturbed due to the scar, discomfort and pain occur at the site of the sutures.

In this situation, you can try to find a more comfortable position or postpone sex for a while.

If everything is in order, but there is no attraction

After childbirth, many women experience a significant decrease in sexual desire – libido, and this is due not only to fatigue, but also to natural hormonal changes.

The process of breastfeeding is accompanied by the active production of the hormone prolactin, which blocks ovulation. There is no ovulation – there is no possibility of getting pregnant, and accordingly there is no need for sex at the physiological level, because from the side of physiology, the main task of sexual contact is conception. At the same time, sexual intercourse does not affect lactation (the secretion of milk by the mammary gland) in any way and normally cannot have a negative effect on it.

In the resumption of sexual life after childbirth, the mental state of the young mother is also of great importance.

And here, a comfortable, friendly atmosphere in the family, the care and love of loved ones and the desire of the woman herself to be happy are especially important. Banal rest, good sleep and time for yourself can work wonders.

Published inhotescortsinlahore